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Freelancer Marketplace

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The Freelancer Marketplace: a network of working writers).

Monthly meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month and will start at 7:30 - 9:30 PM. In the Events
Area of the Barnes and Nobel Rochester Hills store--2800 S. Rochester Road Rochester Hills, MI 48307 (Rochester Road just north of Auburn Road), Events Area.

Currently, there are about 20 members total, with approximately 15 attending regularly.

This is not a critique group, but an open forum for established freelancers:
· Writers
· Photographers
· Illustrators
· Poets
· Lyricists
· and other creative types to meet and network

This is a chance to discuss and brainstorm ideas on the business of getting published, paid, and keeping our creative rights.

Topics may include:
· pitch letters
· print publications
· writing for the web
· contracts
· new markets
· and resources for writers

There are no residency restrictions. The door is open for additional members so feel free to spread the word.